Go Green

Think Green - Live Green

Go Green

At Innowerx, we apply green thinking to every action and decision to benefit our clients, employees, and community. We are committed to mitigating the environmental impacts of our current and future activities. The management shall prioritize and reduce adverse impacts of the organization’s operations on the environment and local community. We are focused on reducing our carbon footprint; efficient use of energy, water, and materials; minimizing waste; re-use and recycle wherever possible.

Our objective is to improve our environmental performance and ensure to comply with environmental legislation and progressively adopt the best practices. Further :

  • By-products of our operations impacting the environment shall be adequately monitored and controlled
  • We shall avoid the destruction of the ecosystems in our areas of operation
  • An enduring program of responsible waste management will be strictly enforced
  • ISO 14001 will be implemented in a progressive manner to control and mitigate the effects of our activities on the environment
  • Compliance with relevant authorizing bodies and client requirements will be our unwavering priority